Peter Krebelj (2010) The Comparison of Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Sugar CRM Community Edition. EngD thesis.
In this study I tried to focus on analysis and differences of both systems: free Sugar CRM Community Edition and payable Microsoft Dynamics CRM. While I was writting study I was trying to represent that both systems are equal or even comparable in small and medium business. Both of them works fine and do their jobs for wich they are created for. We have to account the fact that Sugar CRM Community edition in completely free and Microsoft Dynamics CRM is payable. To show how both systems are working and to show their cros and pons I installed both on my server at home and made a comparison and analyze both ob them. I tried to present simple use of systems, user friendly enviroment and usefulness. First I have created short review of both programs and their funcions, then extensions and finally detailed review with all differences and similarity. That is how the review has been created. Big importance of the study is on using of systems, funcionality, integration into company and how to improve relations between company workers and clients. I am using both systems, this is the main reason why I also use to different companies and their systems to show how they work in real environment and not only for testing purposes. First company is Infonet media d.d. which is using Microsoft Dynamics CRM and the second Rosoft s.p. which is using Sugar CRM Community Edition. This was the main reason to create shor survey inside IT section. The survey gave me results to represent both tools as equivalent to compare. If the company wants all funcions then they have to either use different version of Sugar CRM like Enterprise edition or Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Through this work, documentation and different sources I meet many new funcions which I did not know before. Free Sugar CRM Community Editon is even better as I expected. Microsoft Dynamics CRM is very good tool and it offers much more that I think. Many companies does not need all that functions that are avaible in this product.
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