Danilo Istenič (2011) . EngD thesis.
This thesis presents the development of information system for security and health at work. The information system is divided into four thematic modules: accidents at work, occupational diseases, dangerous occurrences and work permits. In addition, it is divided into two logical parts: the "internal" and the "external" part. The "internal" part has been developed in Oracle Forms/Reports, whereas the "external" one in JSP. The information system has been designed for recording and reporting in electronic form, implementation of analytical and statistical data processing, supervision and monitoring of organization in safety and health at work among employers, and monitoring of work permits. It has been developed for the needs of Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Affairs and the Labor Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia. The introductory chapter presents an overview of the definition of the problem domain, requirements and objectives. The following chapter presents the tools and technologies with which the information system has been developed (Oracle Database 10g, Oracle Designer, PL/SQL, Oracle JDeveloper, Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports). In the central part of the thesis then follows a detailed description of the problem, system analysis and customer requirements, design, implementation and the presentation of the information system. Only the "internal" part of the information system is presented in detail, where more emphasis is put on the presentation of the work permits module. With the new information system we have ensured a uniform collection and higher quality of data and significantly eased the burden of users.
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