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Developing web applications by integrating WordPress and Zend Framework

Gregor Beslič (2011) Developing web applications by integrating WordPress and Zend Framework. EngD thesis.

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    We will first introduce key differences between the development of public web applications and the development of intranet and extranet web applications by comparing different parameters, such as time-constraints, budget limitations, ease of use (usability), design, search engine accessibility, page load times and security issues. After the first chapter we explain the web development methodology which allows a team of only three people to successfully develop different web projects. The methodology is a combination of different RAD (Rapid application development) methodologies with a strong emphasis on GUI prototyping. We introduce the web application development as part of a long-term service the development company has to offer to the potential client. In the last chapter we describe the technologies used, WordPress (combined with the Carrington framework) and Zend Framework. Integrating both frameworks allowed the development to be very quick and cost-effective. We use WordPress as a content management system (building static and dynamic content pages) and Zend Framework for the development of custom business logic. This allows us to spend most of the time developing crucial parts of the application rather than »reinventing the wheel« by developing solutions for common problems that have already been solved.

    Item Type: Thesis (EngD thesis)
    Keywords: web application development, web development methodology, WordPress, Carrington, Zend Framework
    Number of Pages: 87
    Language of Content: Slovenian
    Mentor / Comentors:
    Name and SurnameIDFunction
    prof. dr. Marko Bajec245Mentor
    Link to COBISS: http://www.cobiss.si/scripts/cobiss?command=search&base=50070&select=(ID=00008450132)
    Institution: University of Ljubljana
    Department: Faculty of Computer and Information Science
    Item ID: 1408
    Date Deposited: 27 Jun 2011 09:29
    Last Modified: 13 Aug 2011 00:39
    URI: http://eprints.fri.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/1408

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