Vid Kanduč (2011) Application of virtual desktop infrastructure in enterprises. EngD thesis.
Term and process of virtualization has been around in the world of computers for a while. Virtualization enables us to optimise operations of computer infrastructure in a company thus saving money and time spent on investments and maintenance of systems used in a bussiness process. With the process of virtualization personal computers are moved from desk to server rooms which enables us better control of management, work and state of workstations. Instead of having a classic desktop computer as a mean of participating in a bussiness proces, employees get desktop as a service. Implementation of virtual desktops gathers all of computer enviroment »under one roof« hence giving us absolute control of it. This way we can reduce all ownership related coss and still ensure a higher level of security and reliability of computers, control the way user interacts with his desktops and reduce the chances of data theft or loss, which can result from careless or malicious handling with equipment. If we accurately assess all of the relevant facts about current situation and needs of a company, the investment costs of migrating can return in a short time.
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