Erik Hribar (2012) In-process control data acquisition and analysis in tablet production. EngD thesis.
The diploma thesis will study the problem of process data acquisition and analysis. It describes the upgrade of current information system for in-process control in tablet production. We will establish the system for overview and archiving of measurements from tableting machine control unit. We will prepare various statistical views for comparison of data from current system and archived measurements from tableting machine control unit. Current information system for in-process control maintains only results of measurements from process laboratory. With integration of measurement results from control unit, we will further improve the accuracy of in-process control statistical analysis. In introduction the purpose and motivation is described, which is based on quality assurance and continuous monitoring. Information support of production in pharmaceutical company and in-process control in tablet production is explained. Then the standards and technologies, involved in process data acquisition from production machines are overviewed. The information system for in-process control support and SAP MII system, for data acquisition, data processing and data presentation are described. In last chapters the design and implementation of solution and the analysis of the project are described. The solution is implemented on SAP MII system, which is flexible enough to prove a great platform for the given problem.
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