Štefan Šurk (2016) Mobile application for tournament management. EngD thesis.
The thesis presents a mobile application for tournament managment. We took a glance at some classic tournament systems: Round-Robin, Swiss and Knockout System. The Round-Robin System advantage is fairness, but it's time consuming. Swiss System is time efficient and fair. His weakness lies with it's directed competition. Knockout System is random and fast, but falls into traps of the group of death and team location. According to listed foundings we decided to use a combined system. We developed a mobile application for creating, editing, deleting and showing players, teams, systems and tournaments. A draw is made during the saving tournament process that a user can see. During work we used the following technologies: Android platform, SQLite library, Android Studio 1.3.2 tool and Git repository. During realization analysis we took a look at existing applications and compared them with each other. On existing data we showed a use case scenario.
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