Tim Cestnik (2016) LAMP, MEAN, ANNE - what to choose for Web development?. EngD thesis.
The purpose of thesis is to present and compare modern MEAN and ANNE web stacks with older LAMP stack. The main focus of this work is on the technologies used in these stacks and on the principles that these technologies are based on, with a special emphasis on databases. Pros and cons of each of the stack are evaluated. Web application for finding shortest paths in the Faculty of Computer and Information Science building in Ljubljana was developed using ANNE and MEAN stacks. Server-side development, client-side development and the use of database with ANNE and MEAN stacks was presented on this case compared to the use of LAMP stack. At the end, the logic of the use of web stacks was evaluated and user experience of using MEAN, ANNE and LAMP stacks was described. The answer to the question of which web stack to choose for web application development is given, recommending the use of MEAN and ANNE stacks.
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