Vedran Jašarević (2016) A Software Architecture Reconstruction of Restaurant Management Application. EngD thesis.
The document describes the Software Architecture Reconstruction Method of already developed application for the management of operations in restaurants, bars and similar facilities. It uses a bottom - up reconstruction application where the modelling is based on analysis of existing modules in order to depict different diagrams and techniques at different levels of abstraction. At the beginning, the problem domain is described together with the background of development process, as well as the reasons and motives for the reconstruction i.e. model making. This is followed by the description of tools, methods and techniques. Next described are different models used in the modelling process (class diagrams, use cases, sequence diagrams, layout diagrams, description of the database and tables). Finally described are the possible improvements reflected in the developed model and which were overlooked due to the agile approach of development and extreme programming methods.
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