Dare Korač (2016) Building a startup company by following the Lean startup methodology. MSc thesis.
The aim of the master's thesis is to examine whether a company can be launched in Slovenia using the lean startup methodology. In accordance with the methodology, we first developed a lean framework instead of the classic business plan, writing the business idea and company vision on one page. We wrote down all of our knowledge about the company and its business operations in nine fields, which was followed by a systematic assessment of our knowledge. Before carrying out each step in the development of the company, we first tested our hypothesis by conducting interviews with potential buyers and confirming or rejecting our hypotheses. The business framework and the software solution differed from the originally planned ones, since the buyers had rejected some of our hypotheses. The master's thesis tested a company which was already established on the market and had its own clientele. With the use of this methodology we rejected the hypothesis on the problem which the company is solving and which presented the foundations of the company's business operations. By switching the company's business operations, a new solution and entirely new business operations had to be set up, which can be equated with founding a company. Today, this company is the most successful one in its line of business and has the largest market share in the industry.
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