Žan Hvala (2017) The development of the web application for searching of lost items. EngD thesis.
The purpose of the thesis is to present the process of making prototype of web application for �nding lost and found items. The main tasks of web application are enabling quick and easy search of items and adding new lost or found items to the list. In the initial phase functional and nonfunctional requirements of application were collected. With this requirements in hand the process of implementation is able to start. Web application is based on Java EE programming language. MySQL database is used for storing data. WildFly application server ensures web application to run smoothly. In the final form application functionalities are: log in, log out, register account, search for lost or found items, administrate registered users, view audit trail of each item, import items data from other web pages and recover items data in case of application failure or data loss. An analysis of application usability was made, which examined and justfi�ed its actual value.
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