Andrej Kokelj (2018) Web system for managing resources in laundry. EngD thesis.
Student dorms and similar accommodations where people stay for longer periods of time often have laundry machines, which inhabitants can use for washing clothes. Since there is usually insu�cient number of washing machines, the inhabitants have to reserve a term to use them. These reservations are often still managed manually, on paper. The aim of this thesis was to develop a solution that would enable washing machine users to make reservations online via a web app. The person responsible for managing these reservations would be an authorized person of the dorm. The users of the laundry are able to register into the web app, where they receive a username and a password, which they can later use to login into the web app. This web app then makes calls to the web service which is responsible for manipulating the data, which are stored the database. This solution enables a faster and more e�cient way to make reservations for the laundry and for calculating costs. The web app is currently in a testing environment , and after this testing period and the elimination of detected de�ciencies the web app Will be put into a production environment.
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