Boštjan Pišlar (2008) Preparation of insurance subsidiaries to reduce credit risk in banka Koper d.d.. EngD thesis.
The thesis presents the application for the preparation of insurances in order to reduce credit risk and guarantee capital adequacy for the banks. This field is increasingly growing and with the Basel II Capital Accord it has gained additional value and is expanding in bank management as well as in inter-bank business throughout the world. Reasons and legal bases for the implementation of insurances are given in the introduction. A description of credit risk problematic, seen from the economic point of view, and the current procedures of insurances implementation follow. The requirements the application has to meet conclude the introduction. A quick overview of the elements of the project is included in the second part of the thesis. Besides its architecture – a three-level architecture, some additional modules, needed for the consistency of data and the implementation of regulations, prescribed by the law, and regulations, prescribed by the committee of central bank governors from ten countries, are listed as well. The central part of the work is formed by chapters, dedicated to individual levels of the three-level architecture of the application. There is a detailed description of the concept of the implementation of each level and the implementation of the modules and the connections between given. In addition there is the module for data processing presented. This module serves to supplementary control the consistency of data, originating from the revalorisation of insurances, and to inform the trustees/ persons in charge for the supervision of insurances in case of any irregularities. The working methods used in the development of the project and the structure of the project group is then described, focusing on my contribution to the realisation of the project. There are some problems, which occurred during the development – the technical side of the project, the procedures for the testing of the application and the processing presented too. It is necessary to transfer the object of the development into production – to present it to the users – at the end of each cycle. The last part of the thesis thus includes the reasons for its transfer (carried out in three phases) as well as some of the problems that arose during the process and their solutions. It concludes with the proposed improvements and complements to the established application. I participated in the project as a programmer. The tasks I performed are presented in the order they were actually executed. My first duty was to programme a graphic user interface: implementation of objects representing specific insurance data and the logic, hidden under the mask. I had to fulfil the rules of single insurance types within the business layer, allocated to me by the project manager. Programming included the accuracy control and the transformation of data, gathered from the data base. The business layer functions are directly related to web service calls. The already existing functions of the web service had to be supplemented with additional queries. As all the needed functionalities were not included in the web service it was necessary to supplement it with additional functions. Besides the above enumerated tasks, I was also in charge of data processing, including data inaccuracy and course of insurances or investments processing. My tasks are presented in each chapter separately, while the conclusion of the thesis includes the résumé of my entire contribution to the project. Keywords: Insurances, Basel II, three-level arhitecture, banking
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