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Aleš Smrdel and Ciril Bohak and Miha Amon and Franc Jager (2017) Zbirka nalog iz načrtovanja uporabniških vmesnikov. Založba UL FRI, Ljubljana. ISBN 978-961-6209-95-3 Ciril Bohak (2016) Finding the most representative part of vocal folksongs with transcription and segmentation. PhD thesis. Ciril Bohak (2011) Segmentation of field recordings of Slovenian folk songs. MSc thesis. Alenka Kavčič and Marko Privošnik and Ciril Bohak and Matija Marolt and Saša Divjak (2010) Programiranje in algoritmi skozi primere. Založba FE in FRI, Ljubljana. ISBN 978-961-6209-76-2 |