Matjaž Dolgan (2013) Weather station on platform Raspberry Pi. EngD thesis.
The goal of this project was to make a weather station on the computer Raspberry Pi. In the first part of the thesis we focused on the history of the computer’s development and a presentation of technologies we used. Hardware technologies enabled us to mea- sure air temperature and pressure (sensor MPL115A2), humidity (sensor DHT11) and coordinates GPS (receiver MAX-6). For the programming technologies we used Python and some other tools and libraries: Crontab, SQLAlchemy, SQLite, CherryPi, Mako, nginx. In the second part of the thesis we describe implementation of the whole concept. The weather station runs on its own web server and measures values from sensors and stores them into a database. With a simple web interface we displayed the measured re- sults. WSGI enables us the web display and public access with computer or smart phone.
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