In the thesis a plan for a module used to cover details of credit and debit card usage from a bank perspective is presented. That includes the possibility to enter and/or edit merchants, contracts and the setup of terminals at the points of sale. The solution also has a design for document creation which aids the employees in the commercial and help desk sectors. Beside that also report generation is covered. The thesis starts with the background information on how the topic was chosen. What the design goals were is thoroughly explained in the prologue. The second chapter covers the RUP methodology which was used as a foundation for the plan, UML diagrams and used tools. Phases and activities used in software development process based on the RUP methodology are shown as well. In the third chapter the business domain is explained together with the events that cause changes in the POS terminal setup. Gathering requirements is done with use-case diagrams. All the scenarios and non-functional requirements are explained in a textual format. A user interface prototype was used for refining the functional requirements. Details about it are presented at the end of the chapter. The fourth and fifth chapters include the analysis and plan of the system. For the analysis conceptual class diagram and class diagrams for the use-cases covered in chapter three were used. The plan covers sequence diagrams for the use-cases and a database and graphical user interface design. The concluding arguments are at the end.
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