Jože Matko, (2008) A comparison of Windows Communication Foundation with similar frameworks for building client-server applications. EngD thesis.
This B. Sc. degree discusses the use of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) for building client server application and compares it with other similar technologies. The purpose of this work is to analyse the client server architecture for building distributed applications, to overview some high level technologies that can be used for implementation and, finally, to implement an asset liability application using the most appropriate technology. I will focus on technologies that are based on remote procedure call and object oriented programming models. The use of these models allows the developer to forget about the low level communication issues and focus on the problem domain. Further on, I will use the conclusions of the overview to pick the most appropriate technology for implementing the communication module of the asset liability application. The specifics of the application are large amount of data, low communication footprint and security. Another criterion for choosing the technology is the programming model. I chose WCF and use it for implementing the communication module of the business application.
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