Miha Štrumbelj (2011) Customer service fitness centre potral with a connection to a social network. EngD thesis.
Purpose of this thesis is to develop an information system for online group workout booking system. It is designed to help fitness centre staff to optimise number of visitors on their classes and consequently to improve the quality of service, making it user-friendlier, as well. Information system simplifies the booking procedure and delivers more accurate participant data to the business. The thesis describes software development life cycle, gives brief information on some modern methodologies and tries to apply them into practice. There are plenty of technologies which promise fast development of high quality products. Some of the latest web server, database and user interface open source technologies were used during all phases of this project. The use of Java and PHP programming language on Apache web server in combination with MySQL database turned out to be the right mixture of technologies. Application core periodical retrieves data from XML weather service, synchronises client data with E-check system and uses advantages of Facebook Graph API. Designed solution is equipped with an interactive web interface which allows the use of any of the most common web browsers without the need of installing additional plug-ins or other software on the client side. Application has been tested in a virtual environment similar to the one for which it was designed. The tests showed satisfactory results even on higher load with thirty or more simultaneous users. The Slovenian fitness company which supported the project with its resources, has chosen to test the resulting software programme and consequently to implement it.
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