Martin Šimac (2013) Controlling Lego Mindstroms system from Siemens Step7 development environment. EngD thesis.
Debugging of the code usually requires appropriate hardware. In the field of automation it is especially challenging to provide a testing environment. For the purpose of this thesis an application has been developed, which allows us to debug or test our source code developed in Simatic Step7 tool on Lego Mindstorms. Our application transfers actions on Mindstorms using direct commands while the code is executed on PLCSIM. The application has been developed using Siemens S7ProSim library for the implementation of interface with PLCSIM and Mindsqualls library for the connection with Lego Mindstorms. Both means of connectivity were implemented, Bluetooth connection and USB cable. The source code of our application was written using C# programming language. The application allows us to use all functions of Mindstorms from Simatic Step7 environment. Three wheeled vehicle was constructed using parts from Mindstorms kit which is managed with code executed in PLCSIM via Bluetooth connection. The applicability of software was demonstrated on line following problem, programmed using ladder logic.
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