Andrej Luznar (2010) A system for temperature measurement and action performing on ski jumps. EngD thesis.
The thesis is about to present the planning and manufacturing process of a system, capable of recollection of data from the environment, their adequate interpretation, holding actions based on the results and presentation on the user's interface. The first part of the content represents the description of the basic widgets of the system. I presented the reasons for the choice of individual software and electronic elements, their role in the system with advantages and disadvantages of the chosen parts. I described some commercial solutions, up to some extent similar to the presented one and available on the market. The goal of the thesis is to elaborate a similar system, but cheaper and more adjusted to our problem domain. The entire system is divided into two sections. The first one is formed by electronic elements, required for the recollection and transmission of data from the temperature sensors DS18S20 to the server. The second section is the software, compiled by open code software with the Digitemp program and own software which works as a linking particle of entire system to create a complete entity. The adjusted program Digitemp checks the availability of temperature sensors, inputs the data into the database and from the nearest weather station reads the data of the outside air humidity. Own software processes the data and changes it into a form, required for the situation of snowmaking – this is the temperature of a wet bulb thermometer. That form is used for the upgrading processes, such as suitable data display and, depending on the will of the user, updating and informing by the e-mail. The last part of the thesis represent working results of the system and examples of usage. I also provided a critical judgement of the results and suggested some changes regarding the potential improvement in the operation of the system.
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