Samo Kralj (2012) Unmanned aircraft with the Ardupilot Mega Autopilot. EngD thesis.
Unmanned aerial vehicles are flying devices that can be controlled remotely or autonomously by an on-board autopilot. This thesis gives a brief insight into the history of unmanned aerial vehicles and a more thorough overview of components found in ArduPilot Mega (APM) that can also be found in complex commercial autopilots. The first chapter gives an insight into the short history of such vehicles. The second chapter focuses on hardware components of APM autopilot - control logic, sensors, actuators and wireless telemetry. Software side of APM is covered in the third chapter, with details of autopilot capabilities, firmware, ground control software and MAVLink communication protocol designed specifically for small aerial vehicles. The fourth chapter explains installation of autopilot into model airplane, different configuration options and analyzes a simple autonomous mission.
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