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Jaka Šircelj and Peter Peer and Franc Solina and Vitomir Štruc (2022) Hierarchical Superquadric Decomposition with Implicit Space Separation. In: ERK 2022, 31. Mednarodna Elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca, 19-20 September 2022, Portorož, Slovenia.

Jaka Šircelj and Tim Oblak and Klemen Grm and Uroš Petković and Aleš Jaklič and Peter Peer and Vitomir Štruc and Franc Solina (2020) Segmentation and Recovery of Superquadric Models using Convolutional Neural Networks. In: 25th Computer Vision Winter Workshop Conference, 3 - 5 February 2020, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia.

Klemen Grm and Tim Oblak and Aleš Jaklič and Vitomir Štruc and Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2019) Recovery of superquadric parameters from range images using deep learning. In: BMVA technical meeting: 3D vision with deep learning , 20.2.2019, BCS (British Computer Society) in London. 5 Southampton St WC2E 7HA London United Kingdom . (Unpublished)

Jurij Slabanja and Blaž Meden and Peter Peer and Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina (2018) Segmentation and Reconstruction of 3D Models from a Point Cloud with Deep Neural Networks. In: THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ICT CONVERGENCE, ICTC 2018, 17-19 October 2018, Jeju Island, Korea.

Aleš Jaklič and Luka Šajn and Gašper Derganc and Peter Peer (2016) Automatic digitization of pluviograph strip charts. Meteorological Applications, 23 . pp. 57-64. ISSN 1469-8080

Jure Kovač and Peter Peer (2013) Transformation based walking speed normalization for gait recognition. Transactions on internet and information systems, 7 (11). pp. 2690-2701. ISSN 1976-7277

Andrej Ikica and Peter Peer (2013) SWT voting-based color reduction for text detection in natural scene images. EURASIP journal on advances in signal processing, 2013 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1687-6172

Jaka Pohar and Bule Jernej and Peter Peer (2013) UJEMANJE PRSTNIH ODTISOV NA PODLAGI GREBENOV. In: ROSUS 2013, 21.3.2013, Maribor.

Peter Peer and Jernej Bule and Jerneja Gros and Vitomir Štruc (2013) Building Cloud-based Biometric Services. Informatica - An International Journal of Computing and Informatics, 37 (1). pp. 115-122. ISSN 0350-5596 (In Press)

Peter Peer and Aleš Jaklič and Luka Šajn (2013) A computer vision based system for a rehabilitation of a human hand. PERIODICUM BIOLOGORUM, 115 (4). pp. 535-544. ISSN 0031-5362

Andrej Ikica and Peter Peer (2012) Grupiranje teksta v slikah naravnih scen. In: ROSUS 2012, 22.3.2012, Maribor.

Miha Kastelic and Peter Peer (2012) Managing IT Services: Aligning Best Practice with a Quality Method. Organizacija, 45 (1). pp. 31-37. ISSN 1318-5454

Jernej Bule and Peter Peer (2012) Fingerprint Verification as a Service in KC CLASS. In: CLASS Conference 2012, 25.10.2012, Bled.

Jernej Bule and Peter Peer (2012) Izboljšava kvalitete slike prstnega odtisa. ERK 2012, B . pp. 87-90.

Jernej Bule and Matic Tovšak and Peter Peer (2011) Ocena kvalitete slike prstnega odtisa. In: Elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK 2011, 19-21 Sep 2011, Portorož, Slovenija.

Andrej Ikica and Peter Peer (2011) An improved edge profile based method for text detection in images of natural scenes. In: Eurocon 2011, 27.-29. april 2011, Lizbona, Portugalska.

Peter Peer and Victor Segura and Franc Solina (2007) Common open representation of computer vision results in 2DGE research. Elektrotehniški vestnik, 74 (3). pp. 1-7. ISSN 0013-5852

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2006) Where physically is the optical center?. Pattern Recognition Letters, 27 (10). pp. 1117-1121.

Luis Galo Corzo and Jose Antonio Penaranda and Peter Peer (2005) Estimation of a fluorescent lamp spectral distribution for color image in machine vision. Machine vision and application, 16 (5). pp. 306-311.

Matej Artač and Borut Batagelj and Matjaž Jogan and Žiga Kranjec and Bojan Kverh and Katarina Mele and Peter Peer and Miha Peternel and Franc Solina (2004) Uporabniška programska oprema. Založba FE in FRI, Ljubljana. ISBN 961-6209-48-5

Borut Batagelj and Franc Solina and Peter Peer (2004) 15 Seconds of Fame — An Interactive, Computer-Vision Based Art Installation. In: 12th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, October 10-16, 2004, New York, NY, USA.

Jure Kovač and Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2003) Human skin color clustering for face detection. In: EUROCON 2003. Computer as a Tool, 21-24 September 2003, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Jure Kovač and Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2003) Illumination independent color-based face detection. In: ISPA 2003 : proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Rome, Italy.

Jure Kovač and Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2003) 2D Versus 3D Colour Space Face Detection. In: 4th EURASIP conference focused on video / image processing and multimedia communications, Zagreb, Croatia.

Jure Kovač and Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2003) 2D Versus 3D Colour Space Face Detection. Technical Report. (Unpublished)

Franc Solina and Peter Peer and Borut Batagelj and Samo Juvan and Dušan Bučar (2003) 15 seconds of fame. [Video] (Unpublished)

Franc Solina and Peter Peer and Borut Batagelj and Samo Juvan and Jure Kovač (2003) Color-based face detection in the "15 seconds of fame" art installation. In: Mirage 2003, Computer Vision / Computer Graphics Collaboration for Model-based Imaging, Rendering, Image Analysis and Graphics Special Effects, 10-11 March 2003, INRIA Rocquencourt, France.

Jure Kovač and Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2003) Eliminating the Influence of Non-Standard Illumination from Images. Technical Report. (Unpublished)

Peter Peer (2003) Real Time Panoramic Depth Imaging Using Standard Cameras. PhD thesis.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2003) Towards a real time panoramic depth sensor. In: Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns CAIP.

Dušan Bučar and Franc Solina and Peter Peer and Borut Batagelj and Samo Juvan (2002) 15 sekund slave / 15 seconds of fame. [Video] (Unpublished)

Franc Solina and Peter Peer and Borut Batagelj and Samo Juvan (2002) 15 seconds of fame — an interactive, computer-vision based art installation. In: Seventh International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2-5 December 2002, Singapore.

Samo S. Juvan and Franc Solina and Borut Batagelj and Peter Peer (2002) 15 sekund slave - interaktivna umetniška inštalacija. In: Eleventh Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference, 23. - 25. september 2002, Portorož.

Peter Peer (2002) Ko stroj postane umetnik. Delo .

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2002) Panoramic Depth Imaging: Single Standard Camera Approach. International Journal of Computer Vision, 47 (1/2/3). pp. 149-160.

Borut Batagelj and Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2002) System for Active Video Observation over the Internet. In: International Symposium on Video / Image Processing and Multimedia Communications VIPromCom-2002, 16.-19. June 2002, Zadar, Croatia.

Peter Peer and Borut Batagelj and Franc Solina (2002) Using computer vision in security applications. In: International Symposium on Electronics in Traffic ISEP'02, October 2002, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Peter Peer (2001) Gradnja globinskih panoramskih slik s postopkom mozaičenja. MSc thesis.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2001) Capturing Panoramic Depth Images with a Single Standard Camera. International Journal on Machine Graphics and Vision, 10 (3). pp. 369-397.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2001) Gradnja globinskih panoramskih slik s postopkom mozaičenja. Elektrotehniski vestnik / Electrotechnical Review, 68 (4). pp. 177-185.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2001) Mosaiced-Based Panoramic Depth Imaging with a Single Standard Camera. In: IEEE Workshop on Stereo and Multi-Baseline Vision SMBV'01 (IEEE CVPR'01), December 2001, Kauai, Hawaii, USA.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2001) Panoramic Depth Imaging with a Single Standard Camera. In: International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis ISPA'01, June 2001, Pula, Croatia.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2001) SecurityAgent: varnostni in nadzorni video sistem. In: Elektrotehniska in racunalniska konferenca ERK'01, September 2001, Portoroz, Slovenija.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2001) Ustvarjanje panoramskih globinskih slik s standardno kamero. In: Elektrotehniska in racunalniska konferenca ERK'01, September 2001, Portoroz, Slovenija.

Peter Peer (1999) Visualization of Human Bioelectromagnetic Field. Technical Report. (Unpublished)

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (1999) An Automatic Human Face Detection Method. In: Computer Vision Winter Workshop CVWW'99, February 1999, Rastenfeld, Austria.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (1999) Slovenian Virtual Gallery on the Internet. Technical Report. (Unpublished)

Peter Peer and Bor Prihavec and Igor Kononenko and Franc Solina (1999) Vizualizacija bioelektromagnetnega polja človeka. In: Elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK'99, September 1999, Portorož, Slovenija.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (1998) Automatic detection of human faces in images. In: International Workshop on Intelligent Communications and Multimedia Terminals COST #254, Ljubljana.

Peter Peer (1998) AUTOMATIC DETECTION OF HUMAN FACES IN IMAGES. Prešeren awards for students.

Peter Peer (1998) Avtomatsko iskanje človeških obrazov na slikah. EngD thesis.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (1998) Automatic Detection of Human Faces in Images. In: COST #254: International Workshop on Intelligent Communications and Multimedia Terminals, November 1998, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Peter Peer and Boštjan Čargo and Igor Kononenko (1997) Extension of ReliefF. Elektrotehniski vestnik / Electrotechnical Review, 64 (5). pp. 277-283.

Matic Tovšak and Peter Peer Testiranje algoritmov za iskanje singularnih točk. In: ROSUS 2012.

Andrej Ikica and Peter Peer CVL OCR DB, an annotated image database of texts in natural scenes, and its usability. Informacije MIDEM 41(2011)2, 41 (2). pp. 150-154. ISSN ISSN0352-9045

Andrej Ikica and Peter Peer CVL OCR DB, an annotated image database of texts in natural scenes, and its usability. Informacije MIDEM 41(2011)2, 41 (2). pp. 150-154. ISSN ISSN0352-9045

Peter Peer and Žiga Emeršič and Jernej Bule and Jerneja Žganec Gros and Vitomir Štruc Strategies for exploiting independent cloud implementations of biometric experts in multibiometric scenarios. Mathematical problems in engineering .

Jernej Bule and Peter Peer Interactive augmented reality marketing system. In: World Usability Day 2013.


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