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Franc Solina (2023) Kamen spregovori, ko umolknejo ljudje. [Show/Exhibition]

Franc Solina (2022) Pregled mojega raziskovalnega dela. In: 25th International Multiconference INFORMATION SOCIETY - IS 2022, 10 - 14 October 2022, Ljubljana.

Jaka Šircelj and Peter Peer and Franc Solina and Vitomir Štruc (2022) Hierarchical Superquadric Decomposition with Implicit Space Separation. In: ERK 2022, 31. Mednarodna Elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca, 19-20 September 2022, Portorož, Slovenia.

Franc Solina (2022) Grobi in obdelani kamen. Other. Kemijski inštitut , Ljubljana.

Franc Solina (2022) Razkriti kamni / Die enthüllten Steine. [Show/Exhibition]

Franc Solina (2021) Vrnitev v kamen. [Show/Exhibition]

Franc Solina (2021) Moje računalniško izobraževanje. In: 50-LETNICA POUČEVANJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA V SLOVENSKIH SREDNJIH ŠOLAH, Ljubljana. (Unpublished)

Nadezhda Komarova and Gregor Anželj and Borut Batagelj and Narvika Bovcon and Franc Solina (2021) Določanje slikovnega prostora na umetniških slikah. In: INFORMACIJSKA DRUŽBA – IS 2021, 8 October 2021, Ljubljana.

Franc Solina (2021) Moje računalniško izobraževanje. In: Zbornik 24. mednarodne multikonference INFORMACIJSKA DRUZBA Zvezek I, 50-letnica poučevanja računalništva v slovenskih srednjih šolah, 6. oktober 2021, Ljubljana.

Franc Solina (2021) Skulpture / Sculptures 2012–2020, 2. izdaja / 2nd edition. Založba Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko (UL FRI), Ljubljana. ISBN 978-961-7059-07-6

Franc Solina (2021) Ustvarjalnost v znanosti in umetnosti. In: 9. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo za človeka gre: digitalna transformacija v znanosti, izobraževanju in umetnosti / Zbornik recenziranih prispevkov za področji managementa in voditeljstva in digitalnih tehnologij, 12-19 Marec 2021, Maribor.

Enej Guček Puhar and Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina and Lidija Korat and Miran Erič (2021) Anatomical-morphological analysis of a volumetric 3D model of an archaeological object. Archeologia e Calcolatori, 32 (2). pp. 197-208. ISSN 1120-6861

Miran Erič and Enej Guček Puhar and Lidija Korat and Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina (2020) Conservation of waterlogged wooden artefacts (Lessons learned from the palaeoliithic wooden point from the Ljubljanica river) / Konserviranje arheoloških predmetov iz mokrega lesa (Izkušnja konserviranja paleolitske lesene konice iz reke Ljubljanice). Submerged Heritage, 10 . pp. 62-69. ISSN 1848-2422

Franc Solina (2020) Skulpture / Sculptures 2012-2020. Založba UL FRI, Ljubljana. ISBN 978-961-7059-05-2 (pdf)

Rok Cej and Franc Solina (2020) Anamorfična projekcija na poljubno neravno površino. In: Zbornik 23. mednarodne multikonference INFORMACIJSKA DRUŻBA Zvezek H, 5–9 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia. (In Press)

Enej Guček Puhar and Lidija Korat and Miran Erič and Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina (2020) Reconstruction of 3D models from microtomographic images of archeological artifacts. In: 2020 IMEKO TC-4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 22-24 October 2020, Trento, Italy.

Rok Cej and Franc Solina (2020) Anamorfična projekcija na poljubno neravno površino. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Multiconference INFORMATION SOCIETY, , 5-9 October 2020, Ljubljana.

Klemen Babuder and Luka Gantar and Borut Batagelj and Franc Solina (2020) Vizauliazacija vzorca sožariščne mikroskopije s tehnologijo obogatene resničnosti. In: ROSUS 2020 - Računalniška obdelava slik in njena uporaba v Sloveniji 2020, 19. marec 2020, Maribor.

Jaka Šircelj and Tim Oblak and Klemen Grm and Uroš Petković and Aleš Jaklič and Peter Peer and Vitomir Štruc and Franc Solina (2020) Segmentation and Recovery of Superquadric Models using Convolutional Neural Networks. In: 25th Computer Vision Winter Workshop Conference, 3 - 5 February 2020, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia.

Franc Solina and Rok Cej (2020) Anamorfična projekcija na neravno površino. In: Zamisli in zasnove, 13. 3. 2020 - 6. 4. 2020, Galerija ZDSLU.

Bojan Kastelic and Miran Erič and Goran Zlodi and Franc Solina (2020) Global Database of Early Watercraft: Beginnings, Development and Future Plans. In: IKUWA6. Shared Heritage: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress for Underwater Archaeology, 28 November-2 December 2016, Freemantle, Western Australia.

Bojan Kastelic and Miran Erič and Goran Zlodi and Franc Solina (2020) Global database of early watercraft : beginnings, development and future plans. In: IKUWA6 Shared Heritage: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress for Underwater Archaeology, 28 November-2 December 2016, Fremantle, Western Australia.

Marko Krajinović and Borut Batagelj and Franc Solina (2020) Upravljanje računalniške igre z mislimi. In: ROSUS 2020 : računalniška obdelava slik in njena uporaba v Sloveniji 2020, 19. marec 2020, Maribor.

Kaja Antlej and Nataša Rebernik and Lailan Jaklič and Franc Solina and Kayla Cartledge and Miran Erič (2019) Global Virtual Cultural Heritage Environment with attention to disability inclu- sion: a proposal for gamified immersive experiences of early watercraft and audience engagement. In: Monumental Computations: Digital Archaeology of Large Urban and Underground Infrastructures. Proceedings of the 24th Inter- national Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, November 2019, Vienna, Austria.

Franc Solina (2019) From Yugoslavia via GRASP Lab back to Slovenia. In: GRASP Impact & Innovation – Celebrating 40 Years, 27 and 28 September 2019, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania. (Unpublished)

Franc Solina (2019) Uporaba IKT pri predmetu Diplomski seminar. In: Posvet »Okvir digitalnih kompetenc učiteljev (DigCompEdu) in predstavitve pilotnih posodobitev Digitalne univerze«, 17 May 2019, Ljubljana. (Unpublished)

Klemen Grm and Tim Oblak and Aleš Jaklič and Vitomir Štruc and Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2019) Recovery of superquadric parameters from range images using deep learning. In: BMVA technical meeting: 3D vision with deep learning , 20.2.2019, BCS (British Computer Society) in London. 5 Southampton St WC2E 7HA London United Kingdom . (Unpublished)

Bojan Klemenc and Franc Solina (2019) Nizkodimenzionalni model tonskega prostora. Uporabna informatika, 27 (4). pp. 157-160. ISSN 1318-1882

Sebastian Korenič Tratnik and Aljoša Rakita and Franc Solina (2019) Prenos slikarskega stila s pomočjo globokih nevronskih mrež na primeru del slovenskega impresionizma. Likovne besede / Art Words, 112 . pp. 14-26. ISSN 0352-7263

Miran Erič and David Stopar and Franc Solina and Katja Kavkler (2019) Reconceptualization of the contemporary maritime museum. Do we reallly need the original waterlogged wooden artefacts and objects?. SKYLLIS Zeitschrift f�r maritime und limnische Arch�ologie und Kulturgeschichte, 19 (1/2). pp. 11-28. ISSN 1436-3372

Miran Erič and Enej Guček Puhar and Žiga Stopinšek and Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina (2019) The significance of detailed analysis of 3D cloud points which include data that the human eye can overlook. The case of a flat-bottomed ship from the Ljubljanica river. SKYLLIS Zeitschrift für maritime und limnische Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte, 19 (1/2). pp. 29-40. ISSN 1436-3372

Franc Solina (2018) 3D podatki v kulturni dedščini — kako do njih in zakaj?. In: 3. simpozij slovenskih raziskovalcev v tujini, 21 December 2018, Ljubljana.

Franc Solina (2018) The use of pictorial information in cultural heritage beyond visualisation. In: Visual Heritage 2018, 12-15 November 2018, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)

Franc Solina (2018) 3D Point Clouds for Documentation, Analysis and Promotion of Cultural Heritage Artifacts. In: CHNT 24, Congress Visual Heritage, November 12-15, 2018, Vienna, Austria.

Jurij Slabanja and Blaž Meden and Peter Peer and Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina (2018) Segmentation and Reconstruction of 3D Models from a Point Cloud with Deep Neural Networks. In: THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ICT CONVERGENCE, ICTC 2018, 17-19 October 2018, Jeju Island, Korea.

Enej Guček Puhar and Miran Erič and Katja Kavkler and Anja Cramer and Kristijan Celec and Lidija Korat and Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina (2018) Comparison and deformation analysis of five 3D models of the Paleolithic wooden point from the Ljubljanica river. In: 2018 IEEE International conference on Metrology for Archeology and Cultural Heritage, 22-24 October 2018, Cassino, Italy.

Franc Solina (2018) Računalništvo v službi umetnosti. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Borut Batagelj and Zora Žbontar and Saša Rudolf and Franc Solina (2018) Izobraževalne igre za razstavo Preteklost pod mikroskopom Narodnega muzeja Slovenije. In: Vzgoja in izobraževanje v informacijski družbi VIVID 2017, 13 October 2017, Kranj.

Miran Erič and Enej Guček Puhar and Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina (2018) The Necessity of Changing the Methodology of Preserving Waterlogged Wooden Objects. SKYLLIS Zeitschrift für maritime und limnische Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte, 2018 (2). pp. 174-185. ISSN 1436-3372

Franc Solina (2017) Novomedijski umetniški projekti kot most med realnim in virtualnim svetom. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina and Luka Šajn (2017) User interface for a better eye contact in videoconferencing. Displays, 46 . pp. 25-36.

Žiga Stopinšek and Franc Solina (2017) 3D modeliranje podvodnih posnetkov. In: SI ROBOTIKA. Slovenska matica, Ljubljana, pp. 103-114.

Franc Solina and Blaž Meden (2017) Light fountain – a virtually enhanced stone sculpture. Digital Creativity, 28 (2). pp. 89-102. ISSN 1462-6268

Borut Batagelj and Franc Solina (2017) Preservation of an interactive computer-based art installation—a case study. International journal of arts & technology, 10 (3). pp. 206-230. ISSN 1754-8853

Leon Ropoša and Borut Batagelj and Franc Solina (2016) DOLOČANJE ODZIVA NA ZAUŽITO HRANO Z METODAMI ZA PREPOZNAVO OBRAZNEGA IZRAZA. In: rosus 2016, 17. marec 2016, Maribor.

Miha Bejek (2016) Računalničar z umetniško dušo. In: FRI 20 : 1996-2016 : 20 let Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani. Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, Ljubljana, pp. 118-127. ISBN 978-961-6209-92-2

Miha Bejek and Vesna Gračner and Vida Groznik and Viljan Mahnič and Franc Solina, eds. (2016) FRI 20: 20 let Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani. Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, Ljubljana. ISBN 978-961-6209-92-2

Miha Bejek (2016) Računalnikar z umetniško dušo. In: FRI 20: 20 let Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani. Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, Ljubljana, pp. 118-127. ISBN 978-961-6209-92-2

Marko Hrastovec and Franc Solina (2016) Prediction of aircraft performances based on data collected by air traffic control centers. Transportation Research Part C, 73 . pp. 167-182. ISSN 0968-090X

Miran Erič and Gregor Berginc and Rok Kovačič and Mitja Pugelj and Franc Solina (2016) Successful use of temporary underwater 3D documenting methodology: Early Roman barge from Ljubljanica river, Slovenia. In: IKUWA Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Underwater Archaeology A heritage for mankind, 15-18 October 2014, Cartagena.

Miran Erič and Franc Solina (2016) Slikovni jezik in današnja (neskladna) raba. Časopis za kritiko znanosti, domišljijo in novo antropologijo, 44 (265). pp. 134-147. ISSN 0351-4285

Franc Solina (2016) Dvajseta obletnica ustanovitve Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani. Uporabna informatika, 24 (2). pp. 94-96. ISSN 1318-1882

Matic Potočnik and Bojan Klemenc and Franc Solina and Uroš Herlec (2015) Computer aided method for colour calibration and analysis of digital rock photographs. Geologija, 58 (2). pp. 247-260. ISSN 0016-7789

Beat Arnold and Ronald Bockius and Miran Erič and Michael Klein and Otto Cichocki and Andrej Gaspari and Waldemar Ossowski and Niall Gregory and Lars Kroger and Dragan Živadinov and Cynthia Dunning Thierstein and Franc Solina and David John Gregory and Aivar Ruukel and Karl Brady and Philippe Bonnin and Philippe Guillonnet and Saša Koren and Sara Ćorković and Matej Školc (2015) Global Initiative: Early Watercraft - a global perspective of invention and development, The first ambassadors meeting minutes. Documentation. Global Initiative: Early Watercraft , Vrhnika, Slovenia. (Unpublished)

Beat Arnold and Ronald Bockius and Miran Erič and Michael Klein and Otto Cichocki and Andrej Gaspari and Niall Gregory and Waldemar Ossowski and Lars Kröger and Dragan Živadinov and Cynthia Dunning Thierstein and Franc Solina and Kaja Antlej and David Payne and David John Gregory and Aivar Ruukel and Karl Brady and Philippe Bonnin and Philippe Guillonnet and Saša Koren and Sara Ćorković and Matej Školc and Atle Ove Martinussen and Trevor Northage and Jason Rogers and Evgenia Anichtchenko and Anton Simonič and Gary Ball and Cyril Dworsky (2015) Global Initiative: Early Watercraft - a global perspective of invention and development, Proposal of the Initiative. Documentation. Global Initiative: Early Watercraft , Vrhnika, Slovenia. (Unpublished)

Blaž Meden and Blaž Jeršan and Gorazd Rajar and Franc Solina (2015) Virtually enhanced sculpture. In: ROSUS 2015 Računalniška obdelava slik in njena uporaba v Sloveniji 2015, 19 March 2015, Maribor.

Borut Batagelj and Mojca Galun and Franc Solina (2015) VADBA PRAVILNE IZGOVORJAVE SKOZI IGRO. Komunikacija : bilten Društva logopedov Slovenije (8). pp. 42-48. ISSN 2335-2779

Ivan Bratko and Franc Solina (2015) Zlorabe na spletu so večja grožnja človeku kot robotika. Delo, sobotna priloga . pp. 26-27. ISSN 1580-3007

Borut Batagelj and Franc Solina (2015) Biometry from surveillance cameras - forensics in practice. In: Proceedings of the 20th Computer Vision Winter Workshop, 9-11 February, Seggau, Austria.

Aleš Jaklič and Miran Erič and Igor Mihajlović and Žiga Stopinšek and Franc Solina (2015) Volumetric models from 3D point clouds: The case study of sarcophagi cargo from a 2nd/3rd century AD Roman shipwreck near Sutivan on island Brac, Croatia. Journal of Archaeological Science, 62 (2015). pp. 143-152.

Borut Batagelj and Franc Solina (2015) Slikovna biometrija v forenziki. Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo, 66 (3). pp. 259-266. ISSN 0034-690X

Erika Pavlin and Žiga Elsner and Tadej Jagodnik and Borut Batagelj and Franc Solina (2015) From illustrations to an interactive art installation. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society,, 13 (2). pp. 130-145.

Franc Solina and Blaž Meden (2015) Light fountain – a virtually enhanced stone sculpture. Digital Creativity . ISSN 1744-3806

Franc Solina and Gregor Majcen and Narvika Bovcon and Borut Batagelj (2014) Preservation of a Computer-Based Art Installation. In: International conference on cultural heritage EUROMED 2014, 3-8 November 2014, Limassol, Cyprus.

Tilen Žbona and David Možina and Klemen Petrovčič and Luka Debevec and Franc Solina and Borut Batagelj (2014) Uporaba novih medijev pri poučevanju prostorskega oblikovanja v osnovni šoli. In: Vzgoja in izobraževanje v informacijski družbi VIVID 2014, 10. oktober 2013, Ljubljana.

Borut Batagelj and Marija Đurđevič and Tomaž Kunst and Vesna Novak and Romana Grilj and Mojca Galun and Danijel Mišanović and Nejc Sever and Marko Škrjanec and Franc Solina (2014) Aplikacije za učenje pravilne izgovorjave. In: Vzgoja in izobraževanje v informacijski družbi VIVID 2014, 10. oktober 2013, Ljubljana.

Marko Hrastovec and Franc Solina (2014) Machine learning model for aircraft performances. In: 33rd Digital Avionics System Conference, 5-9 October 2014, Colorado Springs, CO.

Žiga Stopinšek and Lara Prusnik and Gorazd Rajar and Gregor Berginc and Luka Šajn and Miran Erič and Franc Solina (2014) Fotogrametrično zajemanje 3D podatkov. In: Triindvajseta elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK 2014, 22.-24. september 2014, Portorož.

Marko Hrastovec and Franc Solina (2014) Machine Learning Model for Aircraft Performances. In: ICRAT 2014 6th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, Istanbul.

Franc Solina (2014) Vloga informacijske tehnologije v novomedijski umetnosti. In: Dnevi slovenske informatike 2014, 14.–16. april 2014, Portorož. (Unpublished)

Marko Hrastovec and Benedikt Strajnar and Franc Solina (2014) Sprejem in uporaba lokalnih letalskih meritev pri napovedovanju vremena. In: Dnevi slovenske informatike 2014, 14.–16. april 2014, Portorož.

Franc Solina (2014) New Media Art Projects, Panoramic Images and Live Video as Interface between Real and Virtual Worlds. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 34 (2). pp. 110-124. ISSN 0974-0643

Miran Erič and Andrej Gaspari and Katarina Čufar and Franc Solina and Tomaž Verbič (2014) Zgodnjerimska ladja iz Ljubljanice pri Sinji Gorici = Early Roman barge from the Ljubljanica River at Sinja Gorica. Arheološki vestnik, 65 . pp. 187-254. ISSN 1581-1204

Robert Ravnik and Franc Solina and Vesna Žabkar (2014) Modelling In-Store Consumer Behaviour Using Machine Learning and Digital Signage Audience Measurement Data. In: Video Analytics for Audience Measurement in Retail and Digital Signage, VAAM 2014, 24 August 2014, Stockholm.

Franc Solina and Srečo Dragan (2014) Novomedijski umetniški projekti kot most med realnim in virtualnim svetom. In: Robotika in umetna inteligenca. Slovenska matica, Ljubljana, pp. 187-230. ISBN 978-961-213-243-9

Robert Ravnik and Borut Batagelj and Bojan Kverh and Franc Solina (2014) Dynamic Anamorphosis as a Special, Computer-Generated User Interface. Interacting with Computers, 26 (1). pp. 46-62. ISSN 0953-5438

Marko Hrastovec and Benedikt Strajnar and Franc Solina (2014) Sprejem in uporaba lokalnih letalskih meritev pri napovedovanju vremena. Uporabna informatika, 22 (4). pp. 202-208. ISSN 1318-1882

Marko Hrastovec and Franc Solina (2013) Obtaining Meteorological Data from Aircraft with Mode-S Radars. IEEE Aerospace & Electronics Systems Magazine, 28 (12). pp. 12-24. ISSN 0885-8985

Erika Pavlin and Žiga Elsner and Tadej Jagodnik and Borut Batagelj and Franc Solina (2013) Iz ilustracije v interaktivno instalacijo »Mačja šola«. In: Vzgoja in izobraževanje v informacijski družbi VIVID 2013, 11. oktober 2013, Ljubljana.

Miran Erič and Rok Kovačič and Gregor Berginc and Mitja Pugelj and Žiga Stopinšek and Franc Solina (2013) The Impact of the Latest 3D Technologies on the Documentation of Underwater Heritage Sites. In: 2013 Digital Heritage International Conference, 28 Oct. - 1 Nov., Marseille, France.

Narvika Bovcon and Aleš Vaupotič and Bojan Klemenc and Franc Solina (2013) “Atlas 2012” Augmented Reality: A Case Study in the Domain of Fine Arts. In: SouthCHI 2013, 1-5 July 2013, Maribor.

Luka Cempre and Aleksander Bešir and Franc Solina (2013) Dictionary of the Slovenian Sign Language on the WWW. In: SouthCHI 2013, 1-5 July 2013, Maribor.

Žiga Stopinšek and Gregor Berginc and Miran Erič and Franc Solina (2013) Uvajanje 3D tehnologij pri varstvu kulturne dediščine. In: ROSUS 2013, 21.3.2013, Maribor.

Robert Ravnik and Franc Solina (2013) Audience measurement of digital signage: Quantitative study in real-world environment using computer vision. Interacting with Computers . ISSN 0953-5438 (In Press)

Robert Ravnik and Franc Solina (2013) Interactive and Audience Adaptive Digital Signage Using Real-Time Computer Vision. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 10 . pp. 1-7.

Miran Erič and Franc Solina (2013) Student workshop on 3D data capture and processing in underwater archeology in Portorož, Slovenia. Submerged Heritage (3). pp. 54-59. ISSN 1848-2422

Miran Erič and Franc Solina and Marko Perkovič and Darja Grosman and Žiga Stopinšek (2013) Zajem in obdelava 3D podatkov v podvodni arheologiji, 2. del. Technical Report. Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije , Ljubljana, Portorož.

Miran Erič and Franc Solina and Marko Perkovič and Darja Grosman and Žiga Stopinšek (2013) Zajem in obdelava 3D podatkov v podvodni arheologiji, 1. del. Technical Report. Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije , Portorož, Ljubljana.

Robert Ravnik and Franc Solina (2013) Audience Measurement of Digital Signage: Quantitative Study in Real-World Environment Using Computer Vision. Interacting with Computers, 25 (3). pp. 218-228. ISSN 0953-5438

Domen Pogačnik and Robert Ravnik and Narvika Bovcon and Franc Solina (2012) Evaluating photo aesthetics using machine learning. In: Data Mining and Data Warehouses (SiKDD 2012), Information Society - IS 2012, 8-12 October 2012, Ljubljana.

Franc Solina and Robert Ravnik (2011) Fixing Missing Eye-Contact in Video Conferencing Systems. In: ITI 2011 33rd Int. Conf. on Information Technology Interfaces, June 27-30, 2011, Cavtat, Croatia.

Bojan Klemenc and Peter Ciuha and Franc Solina (2011) Educational possibilities of the project Colour visualization of music. Organizacija, 44 (3). pp. 67-75. ISSN 1318-5454

Bojan Klemenc and Peter Ciuha and Franc Solina (2011) Educational possibilities of the project Colour visualization of music. Organizacija, 44 (3). pp. 67-75. ISSN 1318-5454

Peter Ciuha and Bojan Klemenc and Franc Solina (2010) Visualization of Concurrent Tones in Music with Colours. In: ACM Multimedia 2010, Firenze, Italy.

Franc Solina and Robert Ravnik (2010) Georeferencing Works of Literature. In: ITI 2010 32nd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, June 21. - 24. 2010, Cavtat, Croatia.

Bojan Kverh and Matevž Lipanje and Borut Batagelj and Franc Solina (2010) Piano Crossing - Walking on a Keyboard. Acta Graphica, 22 (3-4). pp. 25-38. ISSN 0353-4707

Robert Ravnik and Borut Batagelj and Franc Solina (2009) Digital Characterization of observers using computer vision in real-time. In: ERK 2009, 21. - 23. September 2009, Portorož, Slovenija.

Robert Ravnik and Borut Batagelj and Franc Solina (2009) Computer Vision and Digital Characterization for Advertising. In: Strokovna konferenca ROSUS 2009, Maribor, Slovenija.

Narvika Bovcon and Aleš Vaupotič and Borut Batagelj and Damir Deželjin and Franc Solina (2009) Presence: The Integration of Classical Artistic Media in a Smart Space Prototype. In: VSMM 2009 - Proceedings 15th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia. IEEE Computer Society & CPS, Los Alamitos, California, Washington, Tokyo, pp. 98-103. ISBN 978-0-7695-3790-0

Borut Batagelj and Robert Ravnik and Franc Solina (2008) Computer vision and digital signage. In: Tenth International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, 20-22 Oct 2008, Chania, Crete, Greece.

Franc Solina and Borut Batagelj and Slavko Glamočanin (2008) Virtual Skiing as an Art Installation. In: ELMAR 2008, 10.-13. September, Zadar, Croatia.

Franc Solina and Borut Batagelj (2007) Dynamic anamorphosis. In: 4th International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, November 19th-22th, 2007, Grenoble, Franc.

Peter Peer and Victor Segura and Franc Solina (2007) Common open representation of computer vision results in 2DGE research. Elektrotehniški vestnik, 74 (3). pp. 1-7. ISSN 0013-5852

Borut Batagelj and Franc Solina (2006) Face recognition in different subspaces - A comparative study. In: 6th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, PRIS 2006 in conjunction with ICEIS 2006, May 23-24, 2006, Paphos, Cyprus.

Sašo Puppis and Franc Solina (2006) Problems regarding implementation of e-learning. In: International Conference ICL 2006 Interactive Computer Aided Learning, 2006, Villach, Austria.

Franc Solina (2006) Računalniški vid nekdaj in danes. In: Računalniška obdelava slik in njena uporaba v Sloveniji ROSUS 2006, 23 March 2006, Maribor, Slovenija.

Borut Batagelj and Franc Solina (2006) Uporaba sistemov za prepoznavo človeških obrazov. In: Računalniška obdelava slik in njena uporaba v Sloveniji, ROSUS 2006, 23. 3. 2006, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Univerza v Mariboru, Inštitut za računalništvo.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2006) Where physically is the optical center?. Pattern Recognition Letters, 27 (10). pp. 1117-1121.

Franc Solina (2005) 15 sekund slave / 15 seconds of fame Exhibition Catalogue. UNSPECIFIED.

Jaka Krivic and Franc Solina (2004) Part-level object recognition using superquadrics. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 95 (1). pp. 105-126.

Franc Solina (2004) ArtNetLab - the Essential Connection between Art and Science. In: The Future of Computer Arts. Knjižna zbirka Transformacije (13). Ljubljana: Maska; Maribor: MKC, pp. 148-153. ISBN 961-91078-5-3

Matej Artač and Borut Batagelj and Matjaž Jogan and Žiga Kranjec and Bojan Kverh and Katarina Mele and Peter Peer and Miha Peternel and Franc Solina (2004) Uporabniška programska oprema. Založba FE in FRI, Ljubljana. ISBN 961-6209-48-5

Borut Batagelj and Franc Solina and Peter Peer (2004) 15 Seconds of Fame — An Interactive, Computer-Vision Based Art Installation. In: 12th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, October 10-16, 2004, New York, NY, USA.

Franc Solina (2004) 15 seconds of fame. Leonardo, 37 (2). pp. 105-110.

Franc Solina (2003) 15 seconds of fame - Kultura. [Video]

Jure Kovač and Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2003) Human skin color clustering for face detection. In: EUROCON 2003. Computer as a Tool, 21-24 September 2003, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Jure Kovač and Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2003) Illumination independent color-based face detection. In: ISPA 2003 : proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, Rome, Italy.

Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina (2003) Moments of Superellipsoids and Their Application to Range Image Registration. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics, 33 (4). pp. 648-657.

Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina (2003) Moments of Superellipsoids and their Application to Range Image Registration. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS, 33 (4). pp. 648-657.

Jure Kovač and Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2003) 2D Versus 3D Colour Space Face Detection. In: 4th EURASIP conference focused on video / image processing and multimedia communications, Zagreb, Croatia.

Jure Kovač and Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2003) 2D Versus 3D Colour Space Face Detection. Technical Report. (Unpublished)

Franc Solina and Peter Peer and Borut Batagelj and Samo Juvan and Dušan Bučar (2003) 15 seconds of fame. [Video] (Unpublished)

Franc Solina (2003) 15 seconds of fame.

Franc Solina and Peter Peer and Borut Batagelj and Samo Juvan and Jure Kovač (2003) Color-based face detection in the "15 seconds of fame" art installation. In: Mirage 2003, Computer Vision / Computer Graphics Collaboration for Model-based Imaging, Rendering, Image Analysis and Graphics Special Effects, 10-11 March 2003, INRIA Rocquencourt, France.

Jaka Krivic and Franc Solina (2003) Contour based supequadric tracking. In: Knowledge-based intelligent information and engineering systems KES, September 2003, Oxford, UK.

Jaka Krivic and Franc Solina (2003) Contour based superquadric tracking. In: Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, 3-5 September 2003, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Jure Kovač and Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2003) Eliminating the Influence of Non-Standard Illumination from Images. Technical Report. (Unpublished)

Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina (2003) Moments of Superellipsoids and their Application to Range Image Registration.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2003) Towards a real time panoramic depth sensor. In: Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns CAIP.

Dušan Bučar and Franc Solina and Peter Peer and Borut Batagelj and Samo Juvan (2002) 15 sekund slave / 15 seconds of fame. [Video] (Unpublished)

Franc Solina and Peter Peer and Borut Batagelj and Samo Juvan (2002) 15 seconds of fame — an interactive, computer-vision based art installation. In: Seventh International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2-5 December 2002, Singapore.

Samo S. Juvan and Franc Solina and Borut Batagelj and Peter Peer (2002) 15 sekund slave - interaktivna umetniška inštalacija. In: Eleventh Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference, 23. - 25. september 2002, Portorož.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2002) Panoramic Depth Imaging: Single Standard Camera Approach. International Journal of Computer Vision, 47 (1/2/3). pp. 149-160.

Jaka Krivic and Franc Solina (2002) Part-level object recognition. In: VIPromCom-2002, 16-19 June 2002, Zadar, Croatia.

Borut Batagelj and Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2002) System for Active Video Observation over the Internet. In: International Symposium on Video / Image Processing and Multimedia Communications VIPromCom-2002, 16.-19. June 2002, Zadar, Croatia.

Peter Peer and Borut Batagelj and Franc Solina (2002) Using computer vision in security applications. In: International Symposium on Electronics in Traffic ISEP'02, October 2002, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2001) Capturing Panoramic Depth Images with a Single Standard Camera. International Journal on Machine Graphics and Vision, 10 (3). pp. 369-397.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2001) Gradnja globinskih panoramskih slik s postopkom mozaičenja. Elektrotehniski vestnik / Electrotechnical Review, 68 (4). pp. 177-185.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2001) Mosaiced-Based Panoramic Depth Imaging with a Single Standard Camera. In: IEEE Workshop on Stereo and Multi-Baseline Vision SMBV'01 (IEEE CVPR'01), December 2001, Kauai, Hawaii, USA.

Franc Solina and Slavko Krapež and Aleš Jaklič and Vito Komac (2001) Multimedia Dictionary and Synthesis of Sign Language. In: Design and Management of Multimedia Information Systems. Idea Group Publishing, pp. 268-281.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2001) Panoramic Depth Imaging with a Single Standard Camera. In: International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis ISPA'01, June 2001, Pula, Croatia.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2001) SecurityAgent: varnostni in nadzorni video sistem. In: Elektrotehniska in racunalniska konferenca ERK'01, September 2001, Portoroz, Slovenija.

Jaka Krivic and Franc Solina (2001) Superquadric-based Object Recognition. In: Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 9th International Conference, CAIP 2001, September 5-7, 2001, Warsaw, Poland.

Jaka Krivic and Franc Solina (2001) Superquadric-based object recognition. In: Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns CAIP, September 2001, Warsaw.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (2001) Ustvarjanje panoramskih globinskih slik s standardno kamero. In: Elektrotehniska in racunalniska konferenca ERK'01, September 2001, Portoroz, Slovenija.

Franc Solina (2000) Internet as a medium for presentation of fine art and for art installations. In: Informacijska družba IS'2000.

Žiga Kranjec and Franc Solina (2000) Building animated 3D face models from range data. In: 9. Elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK 2000, Portorož, Slovenia.

Aljaž Zrnec and Franc Solina (2000) Učenje na daljavo. Elektrotehniški vestnik, 67 (1). pp. 41-46. ISSN 0013-5852

Franc Solina (2000) Internet based art installations. Informatica - An International Journal of Computing and Informatics, 24 (4). pp. 459-466. ISSN 0350-5596

Franc Solina (2000) Virtual technology and remote observation over the Internet for art applications. In: Konferenzband EVA 2000 Berlin : Elektronische Bildverarbeitung & Kunst,, 25 - 27 October 2000, Berlin.

Franc Solina (1999) Naše študente vabijo v Nemčijo, "rekrutarji" so prišli celo iz Microsofta. Časopis DELO, sreda, 20. oktober 1999, str. 14, Ljubljana.

Janez Demsar and Franc Solina (1999) Machine learning for content based image retrieving. In: Proceedings of the ICML-99 Workshop on Machine Learning in Computer Vision, Bled.

Janez Demšar and Franc Solina (1999) Machine learning for content based image retrieving. In: ICML-99 Workshop on Machine Learning in Computer Vision, Bled, Slovenia.

Stanislav Rozman and Franc Solina (1999) Image database queries based on interest points. In: Proceedings VIPromCom'99, Zadar, Croatia.

Slavko Krapež and Franc Solina (1999) Synthesis of the sign language of the deaf from the sign video clips. In: Advances in intelligent computing and multimedia systems, Baden-Baden, Germany.

Tomaž Hožič and Franc Solina and Vito Komac (1999) Multimedia textbook of photographic exposure theory. In: Advances in intelligent computing and multimedia systems, Baden-Baden, Germany.

Slavko Krapež and Franc Solina (1999) Synthesis of the sign language of the deaf from the sign video clips. Elektrotehniški vestnik, 66 (4/5). pp. 260-265. ISSN 0013-5852

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (1999) An Automatic Human Face Detection Method. In: Computer Vision Winter Workshop CVWW'99, February 1999, Rastenfeld, Austria.

Janez Demšar and Dragan Radolović and Franc Solina (1999) Image retrieval system based on machine learning and using color features. In: Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns CAIP, September 1999, Ljubljana.

Matjaž Jogan and Aleš Leonardis (1999) Panoramic eigenimages for spatial localisation. In: 8th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, September 1999, Ljubljana.

Bojan Kverh and Aleš Leonardis (1999) Registration of range images based on segmented data. In: Computer analysis of images and patterns, Ljubljana.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (1999) Slovenian Virtual Gallery on the Internet. Technical Report. (Unpublished)

Peter Peer and Bor Prihavec and Igor Kononenko and Franc Solina (1999) Vizualizacija bioelektromagnetnega polja človeka. In: Elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK'99, September 1999, Portorož, Slovenija.

Franc Solina (1998) Računalniški vid in svetovni splet, predavanje ob izvolitvi v rednega profesorja. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (1998) Automatic detection of human faces in images. In: International Workshop on Intelligent Communications and Multimedia Terminals COST #254, Ljubljana.

Jaka Krivic and Aleš Jaklič and Aleš Leonardis and Franc Solina (1998) How to control the level of detail in the framework of object-level description. In: International Workshop on Intelligent Communications and Multimedia Terminals COST #254, Ljubljana.

Janez Vovk and Franc Solina (1998) Avtomatsko generiranje digitalnega modela reliefa na osnovi aeroposnetkov. In: Zbornik sedme Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK'98, Portorož.

Franc Solina and Aleš Leonardis and Aleš Jaklič and Bojan Kverh (1998) Reverse engineering by means of range image interpretation. In: Intelligent assembly and disassembly, A proceedings volume from the IFAC workshop, Bled.

Bor Prihavec and Franc Solina (1998) User interface for video observation over the Internet. In: Computer Vision Winter Workshop CVWW'98, Gozd Martuljek.

Peter Peer and Franc Solina (1998) Automatic Detection of Human Faces in Images. In: COST #254: International Workshop on Intelligent Communications and Multimedia Terminals, November 1998, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Valentina Filova and Franc Solina and Jadran Lenarčič (1998) Automatic reconstruction of 3D human arm motion from a monocular image sequence. Machine Vision and Applications, 10 (5-6). pp. 223-231.

Franc Solina and Aleš Leonardis (1998) Proper scale for modeling visual data. Image and Vision Computing, 16 (2). pp. 89-98.

Bor Prihavec and Franc Solina (1998) User interface for video observation over the internet. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 21 (4). pp. 219-237.

Aleš Leonardis and Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina (1997) Superquadrics for segmentation and modeling range data. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, 19 (11). pp. 1289-1295.

Danijel Skočaj and Aleš Jaklič and Aleš Leonardis and Franc Solina (1997) Testiranje algoritmov s področja računalniškega vida preko svetovnega spleta. In: 6. elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK'97, 25.-27. September, 1997, Portoroz, Slovenia.

Bojan Kverh and Aleš Jaklič and Aleš Leonardis and Franc Solina (1997) Using recover-and-select paradigm on triangulated data. In: 6. elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK'97, 25.-27. September, 1997, Portorož, Slovenia.

Srečo Dragan and Peter Grabnar and Bor Prihavec and Stanislav Rozman and Franc Solina and Andrej Vidmar (1997) Netropolis - Kiborgovo oko. In: 6. elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK'97, 25.-27. September, 1997, Portorož, Slovenia.

Boštjan Likar and Franc Solina and Franjo Pernuš (1997) Avtomatska poravnava slik z optimizacijo parametrov modela poravnave. In: 6. elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK'97, 25.-27. September, 1997, Portorož, Slovenia.

Božidar Potočnik and Damjan Zazula and Franc Solina (1997) Classical image processing vs. computer vision techniques in automated computer-assisted detection of follicles in ultrasound images of ovary. In: Sixth International conference on Image processing and its applications, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.

Bojan Nemec and Bor Prihavec and Franc Solina (1997) Leonardo - a mobile robot for gallery visit using Internet. In: 6th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, Cassino, Italy.

Irena Nančovska Šerbec and Franc Solina and Anton Jeglič and Dušan Fefer (1997) Deterministic chaos and noise in the DC voltage reference source signals. In: New measurements - challenges and visions, Tampere, Finnland.

Danijel Skočaj and Aleš Jaklič and Aleš Leonardis and Franc Solina (1997) Testing computer vision algorithms over World Wide Web. In: 21st Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition (ÖAGM/AAPR), Hallstatt, Upper Austria.

Bor Prihavec and Franc Solina (1997) Sending live video over Internet. In: 21st Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition (�AGM/AAPR), Hallstatt, Upper Austria.

Matevž Kovačič and Bojan Kverh and Franc Solina (1997) Optimal models for visual recognition. In: Advances in computer vision. Advances in computing science . Springer, Wien New York, pp. 51-60.

Matevž Kovačič and Bojan Kverh and Franc Solina (1997) Optimal models for visual recognition. In: Advances in computer vision. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 51-60.

Franc Solina (1997) Projektno vodenje razvoja programske opreme. Založba FE in FRI.

Bojan Kverh and Aleš Leonardis and Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina (1997) Using Recover-and-Select Paradigm on Triangulated Data. In: 6. elektrotehniska in racunalniska konferenca, 25.-27. September, 1997, Portoroz, Slovenia.

Franc Solina and Ruzena Bajcsy (1996) US-Slovene Science & Technology program - Project: Recovery of Parametric Shape Models in Images. Annual Report 1996. University of Ljubljana - University of Pennsylvania. (Submitted)

Bor Prihavec and Andrej Lapajne and Franc Solina (1996) Aktivno video opazovanje preko interneta. In: Zbornik pete Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK '96, zv. B, 19. - 21. september 1996, Portorož.

Aleš Leonardis and Aleš Jaklič and Bojan Kverh and Franc Solina (1996) Simultaneous recovery of surface and superquadric models. In: Pattern recognition 1996 : proceedings of the 20th workshop of the Austrian Association for pattern recognition (ÖAGM/AAPR), Schloss Seggau, Leibnitz.

Aleš Jaklič and Aleš Leonardis and Franc Solina (1996) Segmentor : an object -oriented framework for image segmentation. In: Speech and image understanding : proceedings of 3rd Slovenian-German and 2nd SDRV Workshop, Ljubljana.

Franc Solina (1996) Segmentation with volumetric part models. In: Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision. Cumputing Supplement (11). Springer, pp. 201-220. ISBN 3-211-82730-7

Janez Demsar and Franc Solina (1996) Searching for faces in image data bases using machine learning. In: Speech and image understanding : proceedings of 3rd Slovenian-German and 2nd SDRV Workshop, Ljubljana.

Janez Demšar and Franc Solina (1996) Using machine learning for content-based image retrieving. In: 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, August 25-29, 1996, Vienna, Austria.

Franc Solina and Ruzena Bajcsy (1995) US-Slovene Science & Technology program - Project: Recovery of Parametric Shape Models in Images. Annual Report 1995. University of Ljubljana - University of Pennsylvania. (Submitted)

Matevž Kovačič and Franc Solina (1995) Learning to recognize the object's shape. In: 4. Elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK '95, Portorož, Slovenia.

Marko Hrček and Marko Krajnik and Franc Solina (1995) Načrtovanje varnih računalniških sistemov. In: 4. Elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK '95, Portorož, Slovenia.

Andrej Lapajne and Bor Prihavec and Aleksander Ruben and Franc Solina (1995) Slovenska virtualna galerija. In: 4. Elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK '95, Portorož, Slovenia.

Beno Krašovec and Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina (1994) Senčenje nedeformiranih superelipsoidov. In: 3. Elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK '94, Portorož.

Aleš Jaklič and Aleš Leonardis and Franc Solina (1994) Object-oriented analysis and design of image segmentation package. In: 3. Elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK '94, Portorož.

Kristina Zović and Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina (1994) Razpoznavanje predmetov modeliranih s pomočjo superelipsoidov. In: 3. Elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK '94, Portorož.

Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina (1994) Construction of CAD models for reverse engineering. In: 3. Elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK '94, Portorož.

Valentina Filova and Franc Solina and Jadran Lenarčič (1994) Computer vision tools for studing human arm motion. In: International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe Adria Region, as part of the Central European Initiative, Bled.

Valentina Filova and Franc Solina and Jadran Lenarčič (1994) Computer vision tools for studing human arm motion. In: Robotics in Alpe-Adria Region : 3rd International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe Adria Region, as part of the Central European Initiative, Bled.

Franc Solina (1994) Computer vision techniques in man-machine communications. In: Modern modes of man-machine communication, Maribor.

Franc Solina (1994) Modeling with superquadrics : an overview. In: Conference on Software in Telecommunications and Computer Networks, Split.

Valentina Filova and Franc Solina and Jadran Lenarčič (1994) Image sequence analysis of 3D human arm motion. In: 3 D scene acquisition, modelling and understanding : proceedings of the second German-Slovenian workshop, Ljubljana.

Franc Solina (1994) Volumetric models in computer vision : an overview. In: 3 D scene acquisition, modelling and understanding : proceedings of the second German-Slovenian workshop, Ljubljana.

Aleš Leonardis and Franc Solina and Alenka Macerl (1994) A direct recovery of superquadric models in range images using recover-and-select paradigm. In: ECCV'94, Stockholm.

Jasna Maver and Aleš Leonardis and Franc Solina (1994) Planning the optimal set of views using the max-min principle. In: ECCV'94, Stockholm.

Aleš Jaklič and Aleš Leonardis and Franc Solina (1994) Iterative construction of CAD models from range images. In: Adaptive methods and emergent techniques for signal processing and communications, COST 229, Ljubljana.

Valentina Filova and Franc Solina and Jadran Lenarčič (1994) Modeling 2D image data by robust M-estimation. In: 7th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Antalya, Turkey.

Franc Solina and Ruzena Bajcsy (1994) US-Slovene Science & Technology program - Project Proposal: Recovery of Parametric Shape Models in Images. University of Ljubljana - University of Pennsylvania. (Submitted)

Franc Solina and Aleš Leonardis (1994) Shape decomposition using part-models of different granularity. In: Aspects of visual form processing. World Scientific, pp. 522-531.

Franc Solina (1994) Volumetric models in computer vision : an overview. CIT, 2 (3). pp. 155-166. ISSN 1330-1136

Valentina Filova and Franc Solina and Jadran Lenarčič (1994) Modeling 2D image data by robust M-estimation. In: 7th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Antalya, Turkey.

Franc Solina and Aleš Leonardis and Alenka Macerl (1994) A direct part-level segmentation of range images using volumetric models. In: IEEE Robotics and Automation, 8-13 May 1994, San Diego, CA.

Franc Solina and Aleš Leonardis and Aleš Jaklič and Jasna Maver and Valentina Filova (1993) Rekonstrukcija oblik s pomočjo parametričnih modelov. Fazno poročilo o rezultatih opravljenega raziskovalnega dela na temeljnem-raziskovalnem projektu v letu 1993. Številka pogodbe: P2-1122-0781-93. Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko in računalništvo. (Submitted)

Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina (1993) Separating diffuse and specular component of image irradiance by translating a camera. In: Computer analysis of images and patterns : 5th International Conference, CAIP '93, Budapest.

Jasna Maver and Aleš Leonardis and Franc Solina (1993) Planning the next view using the max-min principle. In: Computer analysis of images and patterns : 5th International Conference, CAIP '93, Budapest.

Valentina Filova and Franc Solina and Jadran Lenarčič (1993) Model-based reconstruction of 3D human arm motion from a monocular image sequence. In: 2. Elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK '93, Portorož.

Jadran Lenarčič and Andreja Umek and Valentina Filova and Michele Leonardi and Franc Solina (1993) Upper extremity kinematics for studying FES induced movements. In: Ljubljana FES Conference, Ljubljana.

Valentina Filova and Franc Solina and Jadran Lenarčič (1993) Model-based reconstruction of 3D human arm motion from a monocular image sequence. In: Czech pattern recognition workshop '93, Temešvár u Písku.

Andreja Balon and Franc Solina (1993) Multimedijska tehnologija. Elektrotehniški vestnik, 60 (1). pp. 59-72. ISSN 0013-5852

Aleš Leonardis and Franc Solina and Alenka Macerl (1993) A direct recovery of superquadrics in range images using recover-and-select paradigm. Elektrotehniški vestnik, 60 (4). pp. 240-250. ISSN 0013-5852

Franc Solina and Aleš Jaklič and Aleš Leonardis and Jasna Maver (1992) Poročilo o delu za leto 1992: Rekonstrukcija oblik s pomočjo parametričnih modelov. Projekt: P2-1122-781/91. Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko in računalništvo. (Submitted)

Franc Solina and Gerhard Windischbauer (1992) Interpretation of Moire Topograms using neural nets. In: Tagung des Arbeitskreises für medizinische Informatik, 23 and 24 November 1992, Graz.

Franc Solina and Aleš Leonardis and Jasna Maver and Aleš Jaklič (1992) Pomen računalniškega vida za tehnološki razvoj. In: Prva elektrotehniška in računalniška konferenca ERK'92, Portorož.

Franc Solina and Aleš Jaklič and Aleš Leonardis and Jasna Maver (1992) Letno poročilo: Rekonstrukcija oblik s pomočjo parametričnih modelov. Projekt: P2-1122-781. Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko in računalništvo. (Submitted)

Franc Solina and Aleš Jaklič and Aleš Leonardis and Jasna Maver (1992) Letno poročilo: Rekonstrukcija oblik s pomočjo parametričnih modelov. Projekt: P2-1122-781. Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko in računalništvo. (Submitted)

Andreja Vidmar and Franc Solina (1992) Reconstruction of superquadrics from 2-D contours. In: Theoretical foundations of computer vision : proceedings of the Vth workshop 1992, Buckow (Märkische Schweiz).

Franc Solina (1992) Current activities in computer vision and pattern recognition in Slovenia. In: Pattern recognition 1992, Vienna.

Jerneja Žganec Gros and Franc Solina (1992) Opisovanje umetniških kompozicij z oblikovnimi slovnicami. Elektrotehniški vestnik, 59 (5). pp. 308-313. ISSN 0013-5852

Dunja Mladenić and Franc Solina (1992) Visualization in machine learning. Elektrotehniški vestnik, 59 (5). pp. 308-313. ISSN 0013-5852

Valentina Filova and Franc Solina (1992) Mobile robots - a short overview. Elektrotehniški vestnik, 59 (3-4). pp. 177-181. ISSN 0013-5852

Franc Solina and Aleš Leonardis (1992) Selective Scene Modeling. In: 11th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, August 30 - September 3, 1992, The Hague, The Netherlands.

Franc Solina and Aleš Jaklič and Aleš Leonardis and Jasna Maver (1991) Poročilo o delu za leto 1991: Rekonstrukcija oblik s pomočjo parametričnih modelov. Projekt: P2-1122-781/91. Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko in računalništvo. (Submitted)

Franc Solina and Zaviša Bjelogrlić (1991) Methodologies and techniques for interpretation of 3D range images. In: First ESA workshop on computer vision and image processing for space borne applications, Noordwijk.

Sang Wook Lee and Aleš Jaklič and Ruzena Bajcsy and Franc Solina (1991) Analysis of multiple reflection components. In: 6th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference Melecon '91, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Aleš Jaklič and Franc Solina (1991) Extracting reflectance properties of materials by active vision. In: Modelling and new methods in image processing and in geographical information systems27, 1991, Klagenfurt.

Franc Solina (1991) Pattern recognition and computer vision in Slovenia - an overview. In: Modelling and new methods in image processing and in geographical information systems27, 1991, Klagenfurt.

Franc Solina (1990) Shape recovery using parametric models. Franc Solina, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ljubljana. (Unpublished)

Franc Solina (1990) Shape recovery using parametric models, Proposal to the Slovenian Ministry of Research and Technology. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ljubljana. (Submitted)

Franc Solina and Ruzena Bajcsy (1990) Recovery of parametric models from range images: The case for superquadrics with global deformations. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 12 (2). pp. 131-147.

Ruzena Bajcsy and Franc Solina and Alok Gupta (1990) Segmentation versus object representation - are they separable?. In: Analysis and interpretation of range images. Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 207-223.

Franc Solina (1989) Manjka nam verzni člen med znanostjo in industrijo. Gospodarski vestnik.

Franc Solina and Ruzena Bajcsy (1989) Proposal to the US-Yugoslav Joint Board. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. (Submitted)

Franc Solina (1989) Rekonstrukcija oblik s kompaktnimi prostorskimi modeli. In: XXXIII Jugoslovenska konferencija ETAN-a, 12.-17. junij 1989, Novi Sad.

Franc Solina and Ruzena Bajcsy (1989) Reconnaissance de forme d'object a partir d'une série d'images par utilisation de modèles 3D deformables. International journal of research & engineering, postal applications, 1 (1). pp. 133-140. ISSN 1043-7134

Franc Solina and Ruzena Bajcsy (1989) Recovery of mail piece shape from range images using 3-D deformable models. International journal of research & engineering, postal applications, 1 (1). pp. 125-131. ISSN 1043-7134

Franc Solina and Ruzena Bajcsy (1988) Recovery of deformable part models - or have to model bananas and other assorted fruits. In: SPSE's 41st Annual Conference, Arlington, VA.

Franc Solina and Ruzena Bajcsy (1988) Shape recovery of mail pieces using deformable models. In: United States Postal Service Advanced Technology Conference, Washington, DC.

Franc Solina and Ruzena Bajcsy (1987) Shape and function. In: SPIE Intelligent robots and computer vision : fifth in a series, Cambridge, MA.

Franc Solina and Ruzena Bajcsy (1987) Range image interpretation of mail pieces with superquadrics. In: AAAI-87 Sixth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, WA.

Ruzena Bajcsy and Franc Solina (1987) Three dimensional object representation revisited. In: First International Conference on Computer Vision, 8-11 June 1987, London, England.

Franc Solina and Ruzena Bajcsy (1986) Modeling of Mail Pieces with Superquadrics. In: United States Postal Service Advanced Technology Conference, Washington, DC.

Franc Solina (1985) Errors in stereo due to quantization. Technical Report. University of Pennsylvania, Department of Computer and Information Science , Philadelphia.

Franc Solina and Ludvik Gyergyek and Franc Jager and Marjan Vezjak and France Mihelič and Damjan Zazula (1982) Prepoznava motenj srčnega ritma z računalnikom. In: XXVI Jugoslovenska konferencija ETAN-a, 7.-11. junij 1982, Subotica.

Ludvik Gyergyek and Franc Jager and Franc Solina and Marjan Vezjak and France Mihelič (1982) Hitri digitalni filtri za filtriranje elektrokardiograma. In: XXVI Jugoslovenska konferencija ETAN-a, 7.-11. junij 1982, Subotica.

Ludvik Gyergyek and Marjan Vezjak and Franc Jager and Franc Solina (1981) Digitalno filtriranje elektrokardiograma brez faznega pomika. In: XXV Jugoslovenska konferencija ETAN-a, 8.-12. junij 1981, Mostar.

Ludvik Gyergyek and Krunoslav Turkulin and Marjan Vezjak and Damjan Zazula and Franc Solina and Franc Jager (1981) Računalniški program za obdelavo elektrokardiografskih signalov pri obremenitvenem testu. In: III. simpozij medicina i tehnika, 1981, Zagreb.

Ludvik Gyergyek and Marjan Vezjak and Franc Solina and Viljem Rutar and Aleksander Janežič and France Mihelič and Franc Jager (1981) Diagnosticiranje hipertrofije levega prekata na osnovi vektorkardiografskih parametrov. In: XXV Jugoslovenska konferencija ETAN-a, 8.-12. junij 1981, Mostar.

Franc Solina Univerza leti prenizko. Časopis DELO, petek, 17. novembra 1989, str. 6, Ljubljana.

Franc Solina Uporaba umetnega vida v robotiki - pregled metod. In: Peto jugoslavensko savjetovanje o robotizaciji JUROB'89, 19.-21. april 1989, Rijeka.

Miran Erič and Franc Solina Slikovni jezik in današnja (neskladna) raba. Časopis za kritiko znanosti, domišljijo in novo antropologijo, 44 (265). pp. 134-147. ISSN 0351-4285

Franc Solina Novomedijski umetniški projekti kot most med realnim in virtualnim svetom. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Peter Ciuha and Bojan Klemenc and Franc Solina Visualization of concurrent tones in music with colours. In: ACM MM'10.

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